5 Ways To Encourage Your Child To Read

5 Ways To Encourage Your Child To Read

All parents know the importance of reading for their child, but how to get a child to fall in love with this task is an impossible task. Reading is important not only in education but it also plays a great role in later academic success. These skills are critical for childhood development and early school learning activities, but unfortunately, many of today’s children would rather watch videos or play games online than reading a book. Encouraging kids to read has been a big challenge as long as there have been books and children.

Below are some helpful tips for every parent to encourage their child to read and turn them into an enthusiastic reader. As the children get older and start reading simple words, reading for them gets even more exciting.

1.Read Aloud Yourself

Some of the exciting and funniest memories your kid will have are the events and actions they see over a lifetime. Getting your kid interested in reading begins with you reading aloud. Try to read aloud something every day: a magazine, a newspaper, a storybook and even a recipe book. Your child will start to imitate you, so let them imitate you reading aloud.

2.Display Books To Your Child

Just as reading is important as having a special corner to read, is having a special place to keep the books. You should have books properly kept on a bookshelf, where they are actually supposed to keep. Display those books in a creative way to your child and encourage him/her get creative. Ensure you kept books on your child’s bedside table and that your child makes reading an important part of his/her daily routine too.

3.Surround Your Child With Reading Material

It has been seen that kids with a good and large collection of reading materials in their homes perform better and score higher on academic tests. Encourage your child to read by having a good collection of interesting magazines and books at his/her reading level. Ensure that your child has something to read in their free time.

4.Make Use Of Creative Apps And Gadgets

Use your tablets or smartphones to install helpful reading applications, where your child can have personal space to read without you being worried about what they are watching online. By adding advanced technology like tablets and smartphone e-readers, children’s confidence and self-esteem rise.

As a responsible parent, you are able to choose what your child can access and for how long they can perform activities with timely features. E-readers are easily adaptive for children with learning and reading disabilities as well and help level the studying field for kids who learn quite differently.

5.Show Interest In Your Kid’s Reading

As a responsible parent, show interest in your  child reading activities and encourage them to read more.Parents positive response and feedback has a good and strong effect on how hard their child try to become a good reader. Always try to give them rewards and appreciate them for their efforts or offer them their favorite food.

So, as you can see reading books holds a whole world in themselves. Reading is the best way to expose your infant to a variety of expenses and concepts from crafts, fairy tales, autobiographies there is a complete world inside them waiting to be explored! The above mentioned are some helpful ways to inspire reading habit in your child.