4 Secrets To Scoring A Summer Internship

4 Secrets To Scoring A Summer Internship

During the two-year course of a full-time MBA, the first obstacle and the first opportunity for students comes in the form of summer internships. These temporary placements at reputed firms are meant to put their theoretical knowledge to use in the real corporate world.

At the same time, securing a good summer internship is vital because it allows a student to pursue his or her interest, learn in a real-time environment, and find out where he or she stands. It is often the stepping stone to a career, and a great opportunity to get into one’s dream organization or possibly start and run their own business! So, what are the secrets to landing a great summer internship? Let’s find out:

  • Identify your direction and mentors

As a student hoping to land a dream internship, you must remember that your search begins as soon as you start with your MBA classes. Do not wait for the institution to notify you about the internship season. Identify your interests and determine what specific career path or field you want to opt for. On the basis of that, do your research about which companies can be a great fit for you. Talk to your seniors and professors, and never be shy of asking them for guidance.

  • Take ownership of your search

Taking matters in your hand will serve you well in the long run. Learn as much as you can about the internship’s technicalities, the processes, the requirements, and the type of companies that visit the campus. Get in touch with the career services department, while simultaneously follow up on your own off-campus search. Remember, the best opportunity is the one which you create.

  • Know the industry inside-out

One of the most underrated skills is having subject matter expertise in not just your MBA field, but the general industry and the companies you are aiming to intern at. Do your homework about the history of your target organizations, their achievements, their projects, their vision, and the challenges they are facing. Recruiters always value prospects that know about the company. Knowledge is the best way to tell them that you can be a worthy contributor to their journey.

  • Focus on overall networking growth

Networking is critical during an MBA, especially when you need to land a great internship opportunity. Again, you don’t have to wait for the internship season to arrive in order to make contacts. Start doing it early. Get in touch with people working in your desired field and companies, specifically alumni of your college. Join groups on LinkedIn that allow you to converse with industry experts, recruiters, teachers, and working professionals. Such professional relationships can not only aid you with your research and recommendations, but also open doorways for your dream job.

A great MBA institution always places special emphasis on its internship program, and prepares its students to grab the opportunity with both hands. If you happen to have a PGDM admission in a reputed college like IILM, you can rest assured of a sophisticated SIP (Summer Internship Programme) that is aimed at providing preparatory workshops, selection of appropriate mentors, and landing the best possible summer internship.