Ultimate Help Guide On Accident Helplines In The UK

If you require legal advice following an accident, then you are probably tempted to pick up the phone and call an accident helpline. Helplines are a great way to get information following an accident. However, there are some things you need to know in order to get the most from your call and to ensure that you call the right helpline for your needs – because not all accident claims helplines in the UK are created equal.

Not All Legal Advice is Created Equal

It goes without saying that not all accident helplines are created equal, and some – and this is a minority – make things sound too good to be true. What you want when calling a helpline is sound legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances. And only by understanding the nuances of your case, can a helpline truly offer you valuable legal advice.

So opt to call a helpline that asks for the following information, to get the best advice:

  • Details about your injuries;
  • The date your accident happened;
  • Details about how your accident happened;
  • Details about any evidence you have.

To find out more about what information you should have to hand when calling an accident advice helpline.

Freephone Numbers

Accident helplines in the UK have their own telephone numbers and you should choose the helplines that have an 0800 or 0808 telephone number, because these are free to call from mobile phones and landlines. The next best thing are geographic numbers which starts with 01 or 02, although these are typically charged between 9p and 40p per minute. So for advice that isn’t going to cost you a penny, call a helpline with a Freephone contact numbers.

Be Wary of Any Helplines not Operated by Law Firms

Lastly, we would make the point that not all helplines are operated by law firms – and law firms are the best people to seek advice from. Some accident helplines are operated by so-called ‘claims management companies’, which you should avoid. The difference between a law firm and a claims management company is that law firms do not pass your details between themselves; instead they keep your info private and provide a personal service, and law firms do not sell your details to the highest bidder.

It’s also important to point out that you have the right to demand that your information is not shared. Make sure you request this whenever you call any accident helpline. If you are concerned about privacy, then you should read the privacy policy of the company you call – but please make sure that the company you are calling is the same as the website suggests.

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