Non-destructive testing also commonly known as NDT is a kind of testing which helps us know all the attributes of a product without altering its physical properties. It makes sure that it does not disrupt the physical as well as chemical attributes of the subject and does not degrade it.
It’s one of the most popular techniques as it is much cheaper and easier as compared to other techniques. It also is safer and does not lead to any accidents. It has been used in industries such as aerospace and medical where even a little scope of error can cost life’s of millions. As far as medical sector is concerned there are strict rules and regulation which needs to be implemented and comply with HSE regulations.
There are special rules and implications for several equipment’s such as pressure vessels, pipelines and boilers, as they are one of the most primary components of complex machinery which are used in various industries.
Many industries have a well-established quality assurance team which compares and checks the NDT reports to see how effective has the testing been and as it actually complied to the rules and regulation which have been stated already. The best part about NDT is that it can furnish all kind of information right from minor reports to detailed reports. With the help of several techniques and methods, these reports can be furnished. The time and cost of inspection completely depends upon the cost involved. Normally if somebody needs more comprehensive report then it may take more time and hence more money.
How Destructive Testing Of Concrete Is Different From Non-Destructive Testing?
Following are some of the commonly used methods and techniques of non-destructive testing
- Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI)-Dye penetrant inspection (DPI), also called liquid penetrant inspection (LPI) or penetrant testing (PT), is an extensively used NDT method which is not only affordable but also quite accurate and is best used for non-porous material.
- Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)-Magnetic particle Inspection (MPI) is yet another type of Non-destructive testing which is used for detecting surface and slightly subsurface problems.
- Visual Inspection-Visual Inspection, used in conservation of amenities, mean review of apparatus and assemblies using senses like vision, hearing, touch and smell.
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)-Ultrasonic testing (UT) is also one of the method of non-destructive testing techniques center on the broadcast of ultrasonic waves in the item or material to be tested.
- Eddy Current Testing (ECT)-Eddy-current testing is one of the non-destructive testing which takes into consideration electromagnetic testing methods making use of electromagnetic induction to detect any problem.
- Long Range Ultrasonic Technique (LRUT)-Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT) is an advanced non-destructive inspection method that used for testing big volumes of item with the help of test point.
Apart from the above techniques of Non-destructive testing equipment there are a lot of other techniques and methods which are used for finding in inadequacy and informative in various kind of material. Technicians and engineers make sue of variety of Non-destructive testing in order to use these techniques.