Common Facts Of Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

The most common and deadliest type of cancer in the united states are skin cancers which for the most part result from overexposure of the skin ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight, an activity that in turn causes cancer patches, rash, nodule and irregular growth to develop on the skin.

Non melanoma skin cancer rate is pretty much on the high side- at least 5.4 million cases are diagnosed and treated in 3.3 million Americans per year. Recent cancer statistics show that the number of cases exceeds the number of all other cancer cases put together.

One fifth of Americans will at one point in their lifetime develop skin cancer. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, 50 percent out of all folks who live up to the age of 65 will suffer from squamous cell carcinoma and or basal cell carcinoma types of skin cancer at least once in a lifetime.

Skin cancer for the most part occur in folks who have white skin which is highly tended to burn, inflammation, blistering, and flushing. The signs and symptoms first develop on their skin as reddening, unusual skin pigmentation and discoloration. Those conditions will in turn from cancer patches over time.

The most effective means of preventing skin cancer is to avoid exposing the skin to UV radiation as well as sunlight which happens to be the major risk factor for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, the most common types of skin cancers.

People who have undergone major surgery such as organ transplants are much more tended to develop squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer than their counterparts. The immune system of some of most transplant patient has to be suppressed and for that, it will be pretty weak to fight cancer causative agents.

Early detection of cancer helps to ease treatment and minimize risks and implications. On the other hand, treatment may pose several risks in severe skin cancer cases which for the most part result from negligence.

In a bid and quest to salvage, via the campaigns and all other related programs to wipe cancer off the face of our society, all and sundry are implored to always inspect their skin for any unusual skin pigmentation and growth. And when such signs are spotted, it is recommended that a doctor is consulted immediately for diagnosis and confirmation of the cause.

Other than clinical treatments, there are a lot more ways to improve prognosis, or better yet prevent cancer which is eating healthy foods rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin boost the immune to impede or improve the symptoms. Dr Michael Steppie from Associates In Dermatology, Orlando in an article titled “5 Essential Nutrients To Help Your Skin Fight Against Cancer” pointed out that vegetables like dark green leaves, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, brussel sprouts, etc. make great sources of Vitamin C for improving skin cancers.