Need A Dog Boarding In New Braunfels: A Few Important Things To Consider

Need A Dog Boarding In New Braunfels: A Few Important Things To Consider

It can be an emotional moment for pets and pet parents to be apart from each other for an extended period of time.Leaving alone your lovable pet behind during a long vacation should not be distressing. That is why choosing a good dog boarding service is so crucial.  Leaving your dog or other pet at a great dog boarding facility offers you a peace of mind. Knowing that your pet is comfortable and safe, and enjoying their boarding time will let you enjoy your trip without being worried.

When considering a dog boarding service in New Braunfels, it’s very important to take some specific factors into consideration. If you are choosing a dog boarding facility for one night or for a period of time, there are some factors to check for, including:


When you visit the dog boarding facility, the welcoming and happy staff should be one of the first factors that you should consider. You are providing them the life of your lovable pet. The facility staff should show the same interest and love for your pet as you do and they should seem like they love their job. They must ask about the likes and dislikes of your pet and also what medicine or food to give. If they ask for the proof of immunization it’s a positive sign that the dog facility has rules and regulations they follow to keep the animals safe.


Another most important factor to look for in a dog boarding service is transparency. A pet boarding facility should allow you to tour the space without an appointment and the staff members should be willing and must be able to answer all your queries during the first visit. Pet boarding facilities with open-door visiting systems tend to be better.


Take your time to check the space where your furbaby will be kept. Make sure that the pet boarding facility has a  clean smelling kennel suitable for your pet’s size. Make sure that you check whether the kennel is cleaned or not, so as your pet can be comfortable.


Well, unexpected things can happen anytime, even in a well-run facility. It’s important to check that if the staff is knowledgeable about the first aid on call for emergencies. They should know what steps should be taken during an emergency situation. Good pet boarding facilities have a strong working relationship with a local veterinarian.  This can give an assurance that the pet is in capable hands and gives pet parents a peace of mind.


Remember your precious pet is already in a strange environment and between new pets, the last thing they come across is a sudden diet change. This can cause your lovable pet an upset stomach and other health issues. Health problems are not comfortable for anyone, including animals. So it’s better the proud pup’s parents supply the pet boarding facility with their own food, making their pet comfortable.

Looking for a well-run dog boarding facility in New Braunfels?  Don’t forget to consider the above stated important factors before choosing the one.