Why Consolidate Multiple BI Systems Into One Business Suite?

Business intelligence concept

Business intelligence (BI) works best when various data systems are integrating into one, consolidated enterprise data warehouse (EDW). As supply chains experience emerging business scenarios, an EDW responds best when it is structurally flexible. Supply chains go through objective changes, process changes, mergers and acquisitions and more, all of which should be reflected in the EDW. It can also improve capabilities like proactive performance support and administration.

Many organizations have tools integrated with EDWs for accurate information. The system is designed to share intelligence with managers and executives based on their roles and analytical abilities. Businesses require multiple categories of BI tools such as reporting, ad-hoc analysis, dashboards, spreadsheet integration and analysis, statistical and predictive analysis on a single platform.

There is an increasing tendency to bundle all the tools in a single BI suite that can help deliver the most complete, open, and integrated technological environment. Information in such an environment should be delivered through multiple channels, such as web-based user interfaces, industry portals, and mobile apps.

How does BI handle large and variable data?

BI suites offer the capability to manage increasing amounts of data. Applications form a part of BI suites with a broad range of analytical abilities designed to meet the needs of today’s insight-driven organizations.

BI suites facilitate integration of heterogeneous data. They can come from different sources and interactive visualizations may be used to detect data quality issues and deviations from trends. Be it multi-dimensional data analysis, granular level detail, meta-data, dashboards, user security or scheduling, enterprises always find it easier to interact with a single application.

Easy ways to consolidate BI tools:

  • Make an initial survey of existing tools and apps
  • Select BI tools that can migrate to emerging technologies
  • Assess the selected BI tools to calculate cost of migration
  • Determine business and technicality to establish an enterprise-wide BI tool
  • Short-list the criteria to select BI-tool prototypes
  • Use prototypes for BI apps and select the eligible ones
  • Set up a BI environment
  • Perform migration projects
  • Conduct new BI projects with the BI tool

What are the essential components of BI suites?

  1. Enterprise reporting: To author, manage, access, and deliver highly formatted documents such as shipping labels, checks, etc.
  2. Ad-hoc query and reporting: To provide an environment that works with a logical view from multiple data sources and creates analytics dashboards without burdening IT
  3. Information-rich interactive dashboard: To display personalized information and guide users in effective decision making through rich, interactive dashboards.
  4. Scorecard and strategy management: To visually communicate strategic goals across the organization and monitor progress over time
  5. Integrated search: To enable drill of existing content based on indexing of dashboards, analyses, KPIs, folders, scorecards, catalogs, etc.
  6. Mobility: To access and monitor data, share insights with stakeholders, and make strategic decisions on the go with no direct connection with the enterprise network.

New-generation BI suites are designed to meet upcoming requirements of emerging enterprise solutions. Companies lately have had access to volumes of data. To manage, analyze, and evaluate them, BI tools and an integrated data warehouse should be conceived as the basic requirements.

Author Bio:-

Amy Jackson is a lead technology writer and she has an array of experience in Technology and software industry. Currently, she has been writing about Supply chain optimization solutions, analytic and procurement solutions.  Follow her on Google+ and learn more about the latest tech trends.