Process Of Full Neck Lift Treatment

Your neck lift treatment can be performed with liposuction alone, as a stand-alone treatment, if only fat is being removed and your skin quality is good. A more extensive treatment is required to address platysma muscle with all other problem areas such as excess fat, jowling, sagging skin, turkey wattle and noticeable signs of aging. The Sono Bello care team will follow the plan of surgery which was earlier discussed with you before surgery. Expectedly, you will be asked to remain for examination unless, of course, your plastic surgeon exert has made other plans for your immediate postoperative recovery.

Particularly, if only liposuction treatment is done, neck lift can be executed on an outpatient method. But, you will be probably asked to stay overnight in the hospital if more immense surgery is planned so that you can be checked for possible problems, if any. Ask someone to get you back home, when you are discharged from the surgical facility. Even though intravenous sedition or local anesthesia may be recommended in some particular case, however, general anesthesia is commonly executed during neck lift treatment.

Your neck lift treatment may be executed in an authorized hospital, office based surgical suite or even in free standing ambulatory facility. Depending on the difficulty of you surgery and whether the platysma muscle is being manipulated, neck lift treatment can take more than 3 hours.

The full neck lift treatment involves:

  • Depending on the surgery that has been decided, making surgical cuts behind ears and/or under chin
  • Platysma muscle is sewn like shoelaces are cinched
  • Trimming of excess fat and skin
  • Repositioning secured skin and tissue with sutures
  • Cuts are being closed and drains may or may not be placed

Don’t worry much by stressing on the questions you may have, as the Sono Bello surgeon will give you thorough guidelines, before the treatment, with all your answers. He will perform a physical examination in order to check your fitness by using several monitors to check your blood pressure, heart, pulse and everything else which are required for your safety before the surgery. He will also take your medical history with all the details. Medications are also administered, for your safety and comfort before and after the surgical treatment.

The Sono Bello surgeon will further ask you certain questions, in advance of your treatment, to promote better healing. He will ask you to avoid taking certain herbal medications, inflammatory drugs, cigarettes and aspirin for at least 6 weeks before experiencing neck lift surgery which can result in enhanced bleeding. For safe recovery, hydration is very essential, despite the type of treatment to be executed.

There are several incision procedures, depending on the structures and length of the surgery. Under your chin, a small surgical cut is made if a corset platysmaplasty is decided, with a minimum face-lift-type of cut behind both ears. The minimum neck modification to the face can be achieved, for younger patients, with the sub-mental cut behind the ear. You will be taken into a recovery room, after your surgery is completed, to be kept close supervision. Drainage tubes will be placed beside you.

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