Interesting And Amazing Facts To Know About Kerala

The southern western state of Kerala boasts of having several interesting and amazing facts that tourists visiting the state should know. It also is considered to be 100% literate, have the lowest rate of infant mortality, highest rates of life expectancy, offers top class health care medication, has the highest physical life quality, etc. It… Continue reading Interesting And Amazing Facts To Know About Kerala

Categorized as Travel

Get The Best Cab Services During Travel

There are many businesses and jobs need constant traveling from place to your position. This could be domestic or internationally. Hence, business category are busy individuals desperate to meet deadlines and running out of your time because to tight schedules. For this reason, it’s seemingly that business individuals get confused concerning creating alternative of various… Continue reading Get The Best Cab Services During Travel

Categorized as Travel

Rumor: Google Pixel 2 Will Receive A Flexible OLED-screen Production Of LG

Google Pixel 2

All Android-smartphone of Google Pixel 2nd generation will be equipped with a flexible screen OLED production of LG. According to Korean publication, the device Google Pixel 2 will receive the OLED-panel if confirmed searcher intent to invest in Korean companies about $ 880 million. In this case, the size of investments may increase, because Google… Continue reading Rumor: Google Pixel 2 Will Receive A Flexible OLED-screen Production Of LG

How The Demand Of London Minicabs Have Changed Over Time

The London minicab is a common sight across the city. Foreigners strongly associate the cabs and their knowledgeable drivers with the city. For years, they have been the chosen mode of transportation across the streets of the city, with people preferring these minicabs over their own vehicles or public transportation. With its age, though, come… Continue reading How The Demand Of London Minicabs Have Changed Over Time

Categorized as Travel

Top 3 Most Overlooked Sites In Zurich

Switzerland. get natural. Zurich by night, view from the Quai Bridge on Zurich's most prominent churches on either side of the partially navigable Limmat river: Fraumuenster and St. Peter (left), Grossmuenster (right). Schweiz. ganz natuerlich. Zuerich bei Nacht, Blick von der Quaibruecke auf die Altstadt mit den Kirchen Fraumuenster und St. Peter (links), und Grossmuenster (rechts). Suisse. tout naturellement. Vue nocturne de Zurich, coup d'oeil depuis le pont Quaibruecke sur la vieille ville et les eglises Fraumuenster et St-Pierre (a gauche), et Grossmuenster (a droite). Copyright by: Switzerland Tourism By-Line: Sonderegger

Switzerland’s financial capital may not be as popular and attractive as Paris, but this city certainly has a unique charm. Its enticing architectural splendor, the cobblestone streets, the lake, river, a far-reaching history, dating back to 2,500 years ago, and, of course, lots of cheese and chocolate. Some would say the city includes everything there… Continue reading Top 3 Most Overlooked Sites In Zurich

The Best Restaurants In Kerala: Where To Eat and What To Eat!

Kerala is often referred to as ‘God’s Own Country’, and once you visit the South Indian state for yourself, it can be quite difficult to argue against the reference. Kerala has it all. Beautiful beaches, tranquil backwaters, scenic hill-stations, modern cities; a truly spectacular combination for the tourist who wants a bit of everything! But… Continue reading The Best Restaurants In Kerala: Where To Eat and What To Eat!

Categorized as Travel