The Pros and Cons Of Living With Roommates

The Pros and Cons Of Living With Roommates

Share your time, expense, space and belongings with someone else who is not exactly your partner or your family can have advantages and disadvantages, in addition to responsibilities not only involve you, if you are starting to contemplate, knows the pros and cons living with a roomie.

We know that sooner or later we all dream of being able to leave our parents house and start our independence. Just to think we are free, whether to do so, we must gather all our salary and share an apartment with someone else. To live in independence sounds pretty appealing, but like everything else, also has a detail that must contemplate before taking the decision.


  • Finally someone is not scolding you as does your mom, now you shall shepherd by agreement, not by rules.
  • Think of a rent, maintenance and services, it may be something to stop you from get away from home, but if they are done in a shared manner, lightens the load is easier and you save for future plans.
  • Forget about calling a locksmith when you forget your keys, now always you have to turn to.
  • They say that friends are brothers who can choose, if in addition to all, now live with you, you really feel in family.
  • To live every day with another person, a brotherhood is established, so it is possible that someone else is on the lookout for you and cares for your sake, knowing that you can always do the same.
  • Now the holidays at home will be more fun even increase your social circle and meet new people, so it is important to ensure always have tastes in common with the person with whom you will share your space.


  • Not everything is party, unfortunately there will be days when you should study late into the night or may have brought home from work pending and need concentration, and however, your partner does not always stop if you feel like partying. May your door achieve block noise.
  • Respect in some belongings may be lost in some way, it is likely that if the agreements are not very established, find that your milk carton in the refrigerator is empty.
  • Your economy could be affected if your roomie is behind on a payment that applies to you, because somehow you have to cover it.
  • You get tired at night and all you want to eat something light and oh surprise !, the kitchen sink is to the top and there is a clean plate, now your bed will have to wait, as they have much to wash before you can prepare a good night saucer. As if that were not enough, you must dodge obstacles in the room to get to your room, because someone forgot a shoe lift or backpack step.
  • Forget privacy, now when you want to be romantic with your partner, you have to stay in your room, then you will not feel very comfortable being in common areas and much less your partner.

In our country, almost 20 million people who have decided to share a home with someone else there already, this trend will continue to rise, although it gets to have some disadvantages, the advantages are also very attractive.