Vintage Bathroom Ideas

Vintage Bathroom Ideas by

Bathrooms are usually small spaces with an exact purpose – you don’t really go there to hang out, unless you’re teenager working up a smoking habit. However, the fact that this room is made with functionality in mind, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try and make it more enjoyable. While the number of possible decorative ideas is quite vast, we’ve decided to look into one specific brand – the vintage bathrooms. If you’re looking for a cozy atmosphere to enjoy while doing your business, look no further – we’ve piled up some interesting ideas for your convenience!


To kick it off, let’s start with the namesake of the room. Although the first thing that comes to mind, when you think “cozy” is wood as material, this can turn out quite tricky, when it comes to bathtubs. Tricky, however, doesn’t quite mean impossible. Even though the moisture and wood never seemed to quite go along with each other, there are ways you can permanently protect your dream tub by adding a layer of coating, which, when you are applying it to your regular tab usually comes in the form of semigloss paint. This, though, won’t quite do the trick for your wooden tub. When it comes to wood, you’ll probably want to be able to feel the texture of it, which is rendered impossible, should you opt for the semigloss solution. Instead, prime the base coat with oil.

However, if you do not mind an early 1900s inspired bathroom, you can always choose to settle for the good old five-by-eight vintage bath, which go wonderfully with shower curtains of vintage design.


When it comes to floors, wood is also quite a gorgeous way to go. Our advice would be to try oak or other varnished wood floorings. There is a reason, however, for wood floorings having been so popular back in the day – this type of floors were the earliest smooth types available, just make sure you opt for a highly polished wood, for easy cleaning.

If you aren’t all that wild about having wood for floors, the marble-print tile is always a good way to go, especially if you’ve settled for a Victorian-themed type of bathroom. However, we do recommend that you choose this option only if you have quite a bit of money to set aside, seeing as how marble is quite pricey, itself. Alternatively, you can look for cheaper tiles that resemble marble.

Hexagonal tiles are yet another way to go – just select bright ones, or mix the variety of vintage styles.


Detached pedestal sinks will definitely bring around that feeling of aged and old to your bathroom, it will bring you to an era way before the popularization of indoor plumbing. If you are going for a Craftsman look, it is advised that you choose a boxy design, while the true Victorian fans will always go for a curvy, classy design.

If you’re going for that 1700s American look, you can always place a wooden table of sorts and put sinks in form of bowls. Coat your piping with rustic colors, to avoid the sparkle, which can ruin the whole feeling of old.


A bathroom without a mirror will definitely look smaller, no matter how tiny it was to begin with. However, if you’re going for the mentioned American rusty look, large, rectangular mirrors might end up ruining the whole experience. This is why you need to think twice about opting for this look, especially if your bathroom size isn’t your strongpoint. If you do decide to go for this look, however, small, circular mirrors are a no-brainer. Alternatively, if you go Victorian, you can rest easy, knowing that large, rectangular mirrors are not only an option, but also generally advised.

When it comes to cabinets, these are regarded as secondary paraphernalia. This is the exact reason to always match the storage with the appliances, never the other way around – if your bathtub is wooden, well, you should always opt for wooden accessories.

Vintage bathrooms are a chic new way of inspiring awe in your guests. Furthermore, besides being interesting to look at, these will provide you with a feeling of comfort, calm and coziness. So, if you respect and love the old, vintage is the way to go!