Why Is SAS A Necessary Component Of A Data Scientist’s Repertoire?

Why Is SAS A Necessary Component Of A Data Scientist’s Repertoire?

SAS or Statistical Analysis System is a software suite that has led the market for analytics since its conception in1976 by SAS institute. It has been successfully used by so many enterprises for so long that it is hard to imagine a full scale data science project without implementing SAS. A lot of startups prefer to avoid SAS due to its expensive nature, data science SAS is in dispensable among the large scale corporations that use advanced analytics for insights.

The big data analytics industry is huge and yet growing bigger. The expansion is quite pervasive. The adaptation of analytics can easily be seen in a wide range of different industries. Apart from the businesses that are trying to figure out what their next step should be by analyzing data collected from various sources there are large Government organizations that are implementing data science for better security and improved service. These large scale enterprises and Government organizations that can really afford to use SAS do not really have to think about moving on to any other software suit. The reasons are the end to end service provided by SAS and the exceedingly well structured customer service system. Yes, there are software systems that can substitute the functionalities of SAS but there is not, yet another single software suit that can substitute the service.

Complete Data science SAS comes with solutions for all the analytics problems. It is an integrated program that enables you to retrieve and manage data easily. It helps you create reports with mathematical and statistical analysis helping in decision making. The quality of the analytical operations is maintained by the unwavering service of SAS. It also allows you to design new applications.

In the Indian as well as global job scenario SAS skills are venerated and sought after. SAS programmers are recruited by top technology giants like IBM, Microsoft, SAP and others. The offered salary is steep and lucrative. A lot of small and medium businesses also use one or the other function of SAS for various projects. So, if you are looking to really push yourself up the career ladder in data science, SAS is definitely a necessity. Even if you are not joining a company that uses SAS at the current point of time, being a certified SAS user can give you the competitive edge that is often required to secure better employment.

There is practically no end to learning in the field of data analytics. Having an extra set of skills can never hurt you. So get your SAS training to be future ready; you may need it very soon.