5 Tips to Hire A DUI Lawyer

Fort Collins Car Accident Lawyer
Fort Collins Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring an attorney is a very serious business, no matter what crime you are being accused of committing. Even if it is something like a DUI, you need to take certain steps to ensure that you are hiring the right lawyer to help you.

  1. Do Not Wait

The biggest mistake that a lot of people make is to wait until weeks after the arrest. Do not do that. Contact a lawyer the moment you are bailed out, and ensure that you hire the right one within days.

  1. Speak Truthfully

Be honest about your case when you are consulting with an attorney, and contemplating taking them on.You are protected by privilege so long as you pay a little bit for that initial session. You can tell your lawyer the truth, and you must, because it is the only way they can fully protect you in court.

  1. Get a Vibe off the Lawyer

When you are speaking with a dui lawyer about your case, make sure you are listening intently to what they say. If something feels off, or you get a bad vibe off the lawyer, move on and find someone else. Do not feel bad about it.

  1. Ask Around

You will always have family, friends or work colleagues who needed a DUI lawyer at least one time in their life. Ask them who they hired, and what experience they had. That will help you narrow down your search to someone who can help you out with your case.

  1. Check for Credentials

If you believe that you have found the ideal lawyer, make sure that you are taking steps to check their credentials. Ask about where they went to law school, if they have passed the bar, and any proof they have about their license to practice law in the state.