How to Furnish and Decorate Your New Home on a Budget

Filling a new home with gorgeous decor is always fun but can also be expensive. Determining a budget before you start shopping and sticking to it is important! The key is to focus on the rooms you’ll use most. This way, you can maximize what you have and save on extras!

Focus on the Rooms You’ll Use Most

It can be tempting to want to furnish your entire new home at once, but you should instead focus on the rooms you’ll use most. It will help you prioritize and save money. Plus, it’s much easier to tackle labor-intensive tasks like painting and replacing carpets before bringing in the big furniture. Start by writing down a list of the items you need most in your new space. It can include things like a bed for sleeping, a table for eating, and decorative accents like full-length mirrors for Instagram selfies or coffee tables to hold books. Once you have this list, you can work from it to purchase items for your new home over time.

Another great way to save money on decor is to redefine what counts as wall art. You can frame pretty postcards, greeting cards, polaroids and maps to create unique wall art for your new space. These items are inexpensive and can easily be switched out when you feel like a change. Plus, they’ll help your walls look more stylish than bare white spaces.

Don’t Be Afraid to Repurpose Your Existing Stuff

If you want your new home to feel like a one-of-a-kind space, it’s better to repurpose your existing stuff rather than buy everything brand new. For example, instead of a brand-new dresser, you could use an old hand-me-down and paint it to match the style of your home. It will save you money while making your house feel more like a home.

Besides furniture, repurposing can be done with decor as well. For example, instead of purchasing new pillows or throws for your bed, consider reusing old ones that need a little refresher. You could also buy a few new rugs to add color and texture to a room or even some wall art to express your style. Try waiting for sales or shopping at clearance sections if buying new decor. Many stores offer great deals on items that aren’t selling fast enough, and you can find some really beautiful pieces at a fraction of the original price. There are a Walmart promo code, free shipping and buy-one-get-one-free offers that can add up quickly. You could also ask friends and family if they have any spare furniture they don’t need anymore.

Don’t Overspend

It is often easy to fall into the trap of overspending when decorating and furnishing your new home. But real money-saving tips for giving a new home involve strategies that minimize or eliminate the desire to spend in the first place. For example, rather than buying decor items hidden behind books on your shelves, consider splurging on one or two bigger impact pieces that will grab the eye and make a statement. And, if you do decide to purchase decor, be sure that it speaks to you personally and that you would be happy to display it in your home for years to come. Moving to a new home is expensive enough without worrying about the cost of decorating it. However, with the right strategies, you can save money on furniture and decor and still create a beautiful space inspired by your favorite design blogs or Instagram feeds.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Budget

It is tempting to go crazy decorating your new home, but it’s not worth putting yourself in debt to fill your house. Instead, focus on the basics like a kitchen table and chairs, beds and sofas and perhaps some decor items to add your personality. It’s also a good idea to spread out big-ticket purchases so you aren’t spending everything you have on a single piece of furniture. Living in your new place for a few months will give you an idea of what you need vs. what you want, and you can avoid making expensive decisions before you know whether they will work in your space. If you are shopping with a credit card, keep a close eye on your balance because even a couple of spur-of-the-moment purchases can add up. It’s also a good idea to build a cushion into your budget, especially if you are renovating or need to buy anything used. These extra funds will help you avoid going over budget, potentially hurting your chances of qualifying for future loans or mortgages.

Don’t Buy Everything at Once

Decorating a new home can be a fun and exciting challenge, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process. Rather than buying everything at once, prioritize your needs based on room and function. It will help you stay within your budget and avoid spending more than you have to. For example, a kitchen table and chairs, a bed for sleeping and a couch or sofa for relaxing are important things to buy first. You can always add additional seating and decor items later on.

Also, try to wait for sales. Retailers often have seasonal and holiday sales, which are a great time to save money on furniture. If you don’t want to wait, look for pieces repurposed in your home, such as old dishware that can be used as wall art or empty crates that can be refashioned into unique storage options. By taking it slow, you can furnish your new home on a budget and make it your own. Then, you can enjoy it for years to come!