An Expert Guide To Everything About Warts And Its Treatment

Warts! The name gives you scary feeling. Right? But warts are skin growth that spread by direct contact with types of human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus mostly infects the outermost layer of the skin that causes skin cells to grow rapidly. Because HPV can infect only the top layer of the skin and it can simply live on without causing infection.

Because, once it infects skin cells beneath the surface by entering the body in an area of broken skin such as scraps or cut, a wart begins to grow. A wart can take many months to grow before becoming visible. Depending on your immune system, your body can be more or less receptive to HPV. Mostly, warts appear on children and young adults but if you are affected then you should follow warts removal treatment in london. Let’s take a look at types of wart.

Wart Types

Common warts : these types grow on their own or in groups, mostly on the hands but appearing on the body. They are dome-shaped, rough and gray-brown in color.

Plantar warts : these thick patches, hard of skin appear with dark spots speckled within and grow on the feet soles. In some cases, plantar warts can cause discomfort when you walk which can range similarly to stepping on a small rock to sharp pain and shooting. Plantar warts can be pushed further beneath the skin’s surface by engaging and standing in physical activities such as running.

Flat warts : these flat-topped, small warts can be spread by shaving, usually growing in cluster on the arms, legs or face. They can appear as light yellow, pink or brown.

Filiform warts : these growth are the same color as the skin and appear to have thread and thick projection. They are mostly appear around the nose, beard and mouth.

Periungual warts : these warts negatively affect nail growth by growing under and around finger and toe nails. They can be rough bumps with an uneven border and surface.

Wart symptoms

Warts are coming in many sizes and shape, some of them are growing and spreading rapidly while rest others remain in the same appearance. Most warts are painless unless they are on irritated areas like hands, face, feet, or legs. Though, warts are unproblematic, you may feel pressure if they are on common areas of the body. Thus, you should consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis or if warts have become discharge, redness, tenderness or troublesome.

Wart treatment

There are tiny capillaries grow into the core of warts and keeps them alive by supplying them with blood. These blood vessels are what cause some types of warts to have dark dots in the center which is often referred as seeds. Mostly, warts go away on their own in few days. But if warts are painful, bothersome or spreading then, you should seek for treatment options.

  • You can go for home remedies such as salicylic acids or suffocating the warts with duct tapes or bands.
  • You can freeze the wart by applying cryotherapy
  • You can also look for surgical excision with local anesthetic:
    • Electro surgery : in which, they burning off warts with electric currents
    • Curettage : in this technique, removal of warts can be done by sharp knife or small spoon-shaped tool
    • Laser surgery : in this, burning off warts with an intense beam of light

Bonus tip

This article is small effort to make you aware about warts. If it is painful then without taking any chance you should consult the best dermatologist and seek for treatment. Thus, learn from the article and guide yourself in a positive direction. Stay healthy!

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